
Suzhou Area

Geographic range

Located at Suzhou Industrial Park (SIP), Suzhou area of the China (Jiangsu) Free Trade Zone (SFTZ), covering 60.15 square kilometers (including the 5.28 sqkm SIP Comprehensive Bonded Zone), is a critical area consisting of the High-end Manufacturing and International Trade Zone, Dushu Lake Science and Education Innovation Zone, Yangcheng Lake Peninsula Tourism Resort and Jinji Lake CBD.  

Functional positioning

SFTZ aims at evolving into the world’s first-class high-tech industrial park, an all-around open highland, an international innovative highland, a high-end industrial highland and a modern governance highland.

All-round open highland

SFTZ will adhere to a global vision and strategic position by striving for higher standards and comprehensive opening-up, facilitating enhanced and liberalized trade and investment, paying attention to the construction of the Belt and Road Initiative and integrated regional development of the Yangtze River Delta, promoting a new-round of upgraded opening-up initiative, winning development and international opportunities with active implementation of opening-up initiative, and strive to pioneer high-level opening-up.
International innovative highland

SFTZ will encourage independent innovation in an open environment, pool global innovation resources, actively deploy overseas innovation centers, develop an international and unrestricted innovation system, build a development pattern where opening-up is integrated with innovation and mutual promotion of export-oriented economy complement an innovative economy, become the preferred destination for high-end talent, start-ups and the cradle for internationally advanced technology innovation, while striving to be at the forefront of innovative development.

High-end industrial highland

SFTZ will aggressively develop a new model of manufacturing, industries and economy and speed up the integration of advanced manufacturing cluster with modern service cluster, drive the comprehensive integration of new-generation information communication technologies with leading and emerging industries, elaborately delineate and apply industrial road maps, accurately implement projects that complement, extend and strengthen industrial chains, create an independent and controllable modern industrial environment and strive to be a high-end industrial cluster.

Modern governance highland

SFTZ will focus on industrial development, sci-tech innovation, social governance and other key sectors to accelerate integrated innovation, focus on the development zone management system, the IPO listing of development entities, state-owned assets and SOE reform and other development bottlenecks to accelerate institutional innovation, focus on trade and investment, administrative services, legal system and business environment to accelerate management and service innovation, comprehensively drive reforms and capability of the governance system, and strive to become a model for modernized governance.

Development blueprint

The SFTZ will aim at building a world first-class high-tech industrial park, firmly grasp the critical national opportunities of the Belt and Road Initiative, the Yangtze River Economic Belt, the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta and give full play of its advantages as a state-level development zone, a comprehensive national open and innovation pilot zone, a national independent innovation demonstration zone and a national free trade pilot zone. Based on the prevailing environment of reform and opening-up and the requirement of high quality development, the SFTZ will comply with high-quality international economic and trade rules, make bold attempts and modifications, focus on industrial high-end upgrading and innovation-driving development. The SFTZ will strive to establish a high-standard, high-quality free trade zone featuring liberalized and convenient investment and trade, first-class business environment, optimum innovation ecology, concentrated high-end industries, enhanced financial services, efficient and convenient supervision, outstanding spillover effect and distinctive development.