
Jiangsu FTZ Affairs Office

Setting: Jiangsu FTZ Affairs Office is set up within Jiangsu Provincial Department of Commerce and is responsible for planning and coordinating FTZ development.

Mission: to fully implement the decisions and planning of FTZ development by the CPC Central Committee, the State Council, the CPC Jiangsu provincial committee and Jiangsu provincial government, to guide, supervise and coordinate subzones and relevant authorities for advancing pilot reform tasks, to carry out work review, evaluation, assessment, to release news and information.

Divisions: Jiangsu FTZ Affairs Office consists of Division of FTZ Comprehensive Coordination and Division of FTZ Institution Innovation.

Duties of Division of FTZ Comprehensive Coordination are: to study and draft FTZ development plan; to coordinate, push forward, supervise and guide the implementation of pilot reform tasks, to carry out target management of the subzones; to build and manage the FTZ public information platform, to release FTZ public information; to lead in performing specific work of China(Jiangsu)FTZ Work Leading Group General Office; to undertake the specific work of General Office of Provincial Joint Meeting on Customs Special Supervision Zone.

Duties of Division of FTZ Institution Innovation are: to study and draft FTZ local laws, regulations and innovative policies; to coordinate relevant provincial departments and subzones for policy innovation studies; to summarize, assess, replicate and promote FTZ pilot reform experiences.