
Director-General Zhao Jianjun presided over Symposium on FTZ Bio-Pharm Industrial Innovation and Development

On June 16, Zhao Jianjun, Director-General of Jiangsu Provincial Department of Commerce and Head of Jiangsu FTZ Affairs Office, presided over the Symposium on FTZ Bio-Pharm Industrial Innovation and Development. He called for making full use of the “established brand” of FTZ in reform and opening up. With more efforts to be rendered to resolve the difficult problems hindering the development of bio-pharm industry , the open and innovation and development of the whole industrial chain of bio-pharm sector will be achieved by taking integrated institutional innovation as the core and making breakthroughs in solving the problems of single market entity to that of the whole industrial chain. Zhu Yimin, Deputy Director-General of Jiangsu Provincial Department of Commerce and Vice Director of Jiangsu FTZ Affairs Office informed the attendees of Jiangsu FTZ development progress and updates on bio-pharm sectoral institution innovation.